Introduction to Jorune

3500 years ago, a series of Earth colonies were founded on a world discovered by Kajida Rhen Jorune. On Jorune’s world the colonists found an unnatural mix of intelligent races; shantha, thriddle, ramian, corastin and cleash.

It began well. Scientists from Earth were given permission to establish eighty research sites and a stream of colonial scientists began arriving to document the world, its many races, and the mystic natural energy of “Isho.”

But something happened on Earth. Reports of conflict preceeded the sudden end of all ships and broadcasts from home. The humans looked at Jorune with new eyes and a schism developed. Some of the colonials wanted to find a way to live in peace on the new world, as they had seen the many intelligent races already on the planet had done. Others wanted to ensure human survival on Jorune with the old ways of Earth – through expansion and securing land for exclusive human use.

As the humans pressed into the lands of other races, and into the sacred lands of the placid shantha, the only race proven to be native to Jorune, the natives revealed an advancd war technology based on the power of Isho. Massive destructive flows of isho were channeled through warps into the strongholds of human advancement, killing thousands and driving the remaining children of earth away from their technology, which the shantha seemed determined to remove from the face of Jorune.

But the shantha were also caught by surprise as their isho energies interacted with the power plants and energy constructs the humans had created on their world. Uncontrolable forces were unleashed and waves of extermination rolled over the planet, almost eliminating the intelligent races from Jorune.

When most of the life of Jorune flickered near the brink of extinction, one surviving scientist from the original expedition considered the problem of survival of Terran life on the new world.

Theodore Iscin, thinking he was alone after the great war, worked in his genetics laboratory in a remote station of the North Valley Research Center (now called the Gauss Valley) to create new men, based on animals of Earth, to survive and carry-on the legacy of his vanished homeworld. He engineered new races blending genetic material from humans with toads (blount), cougar (the crugar and cygra), bears (bronth), wolves (woffen) and lions (tologra).

Believing Earth to be destroyed, surviving humans adopted a low-impact lifestyle to surive and within the first century stories of Earth and its technologies were considered to be fabulous legends by most people. The primary concentrations of humans were in Thantier, the northern land of Jasp, and the area between the Trinnu Jungles and the Assydre Sea; Gauss, Sydra, Irdis, Glounda, Essanja, Lelligire, Heridoth and the Sobayid.

For the first one hundred years after the human-shantha war, the nation of Thantier retained and used a limited supply of Earth-tec to position themselves as a basttion of Earth-life on Jorune’s world. For one thousand years the Thantierians battled the cleash and their hordes of scarmis and have become a nation of great fortresses, divided noble houses, selfish and arrogant beyond the understanding of most people.

Six hundred years after the war, mutations appeared during a conjuctions of all seven moons. Large powerful humans (boccord), and small humans (muadra), primitive humans (trarch), aquatic humans (salu in salt water and acubon in freshwater), proved to be viable mutations and continued to establish new races on the planet.

For thousands of years all of the races have struggled to survive and rebuild their societies. New cultures have risen and fallen, often incorporating shreds of lost human social structures. In the past few hundred years establised nations.

Thriddle have ingratiated themselves among most nations (except cleash and ramain). The woffen rule the realms of Rhodu and Lundere. Bronth control the nation of Dobre.

Tologra live in distant Sharden. Ramian live in Volligire (far to the north) and parts of Drail and Sillipus (to the south).

The wandering crugar live in the vast grasslands of Temauntro and the cygra live in the northern portion of Temauntro, close to the human nation of Jasp and the new nations of North and South Khodre (once called Carissy).

The cleash can be found with their attendant swarms of scarmis in the Trinnu Jungles and the far ice fields of Gilthaw. Thivin have come to work and trade in most lands (except Thantier).

The thriddle control the island fortress of the Mountain Crown on Tan Iricid. Heridoth controls the eastern penninsula of the human lands, and the regions of Gauss, Sydra, Glounda, Lelligire, Essanja and the Sobayid have been united into a powerful nation called Burdoth.

Miedrinth is the largest city of the southern Burdoth, in the region called the Sobayid. To the south are the jungles of Trinnu, to the west is the great desert of The Doben-al, to the east are the old city-states of Heridoth, and north lies the capital of Ardoth and the rich valley of